The music section of the site, day to day, will contain artist profiles, album reviews, video content and interviews with musicians and industry affiliates, accompanied by illustration.

Kaytranada : 99.9% : The Game

Kaytranada's studio album “99.9%” is on it’s way and as such, promotion is in full swing. He’s tacked a pretty cool game onto his website and that’s what we’re talking about. Procrastination at it’s finest. The game is a nicely hand drawn, illustrated side scroller, similar to something like iCopter for mobile devices years and years ago. Although I’m sure the concept for the game is a couple decades old, it’s a cool way to promote a new album release.

It’s supremely addictive and the beat on loop, soundtracking it is great. The reward for completion is a bonus cut off 99.9% entitled "Nobody Beats The Kay”. There's even a leaderboard if you're the competitive type. Click through here and check it out. If you head on through to his site you’ll find some more awesome illustration as well. In the piece I did for this little article, I tried layering shapes and messing with colour a bit more. Hoping to do more of this style, time abiding. Cheers for reading.