The style section of the Deadbeat site will include interviews with designers and shop owners, lookbook posts and recaps of personal projects incorporating illustration and collaboration.

Father's Father : We Love That

Late to the party once again, but as I always say, it doesn’t matter when you find something, just that you found it in the first place. What if you were never late for anything? You just got there when you were supposed to. It was your time. Anyway, Father’s Father is the latest example of that. A little family business based outside Belfast, whose name beautifully delineates their aim. 

A purpose rooted in family creates a story. One that leads to a handsome range of hand crafted products. If you click through to their site you can find their small but expanding collection in a few iterations; dark, raw and tan natural leather. Whether, hand cut, hand stitched, or hand finished. The maker’s hand is the difference. There’s a sense of nostalgia with Father’s Father, a sense of looking back. Yet, these products will last long into the future. 

My father gifted me a wallet for Christmas around 13-14 years ago. The leather has formed that certain patina the Father's Father gang speak of in their "care" section. It’s darker now, more supple, there’s a certain smell to it, possibly from dropping it in the rain whilst inebriated or leaving it out of my pocket in the sun to dry out the next day. Regardless, the touch of your hand, those experiences and stories change the product. But it hasn’t lost it’s integrity. Sure, a few stitches have loosened here and there but I’ve never really thought of changing it, until now. 

Deadbeat take on the Father's Father logo// Original illustration Pen and Ink

Deadbeat take on the Father's Father logo// Original illustration Pen and Ink

I like the narrative behind Father’s Father and so will plenty of other people. It’s the major strength of their brand that transcends the aesthetic qualities of the finished product.

If you enjoy the style click through to their site, here or head to Envoy of Belfast for a peruse.

If you want to follow them on Instagram, click through here and tweet @fathersfather.

Thanks for reading.