

The art section of the Deadbeat site will include artist interviews, exhibition reviews, recaps and personal projects incorporating illustration and collaboration.

NI Illustration Meetup

Been pretty quiet on the post front for the past few days due to some welcome logo design and illustration stuff. I've also been preparing the next week long instalment of The Daily Illustrator for your perusal coming May 1st so keep 'em peeled for that. This post is simply to throw up some of that stuff I've been working on. A couple of little designs for the next NI Illustration Meetup at Town Square

I figured it'd be cool to discuss the process a little that goes into work like this. If you follow my snapchat @jesusmate (most random handle ever) you'll basically know the deal. I'm pretty archaic when it comes to how I do my illustration work. A shitty piece of paper, some pencils, micron pens, eraser and sharpener are the tools of choice. Oh, and a scanner. Necessary. The kind of style of work going on with these posters/banners is what I'm hoping to work towards more regularly. A fast pen/pencil drawing, nicely edited is more appealing to me when it comes to publishing mini editorials on here though so that's why you mightn't be as familiar with this style.

The simple line drawings on paper are taken into photoshop where I vectorise everything and mess around with the colours and line weights etc. I love the simplicity of turning everything into shapes and playing with those, even if it can become quite pernickety having about 20 components flying around the screen. For each object I like to link the shapes and group where necessary after everything's done, making sure to keep a live, separated version in the cloud. That way, I can go back and tweak things as I see fit or make variations. That's probably something everything should do, and does, but it took me a while to come round to the idea of having unfinished work lying around in my hard drive. I'm just strange like that. 

If you check the poster, you'll see that come 12th May, a bunch of illustrators will be descending on Town Sq. for an evening of chat, beers/coffee and most likely, illustrating. The address is on the pencil for anyone who doesn't know the spot and I'll be discussing some pretty cool events coming up with the guys from UsFolk on the night. Looking forward to it. Cheers for reading.

UsFolk Pencil Banner.png