

The art section of the Deadbeat site will include artist interviews, exhibition reviews, recaps and personal projects incorporating illustration and collaboration.

Hit The North : Exhibition Recap : Black Box Belfast

The Black Box in Belfast played host to the launch of "Hit The North” just over a week ago. A street art exhibition and sister event to the popular Culture Night paint jam of the same name, now in it’s fourth year. The show was sponsored by Beck’s, providing tasty beer for the paint covered hands of many a street artist and fan of the scene a like. The show, consisting of drawings, paintings and prints from the roster of artists taking part in this year’s street event. 

One can easily forget how little value the street art, murals and graffiti of Belfast once delivered to the city’s streets. Perhaps, on the whole because much of it wasn’t or isn’t particularly positive, having ulterior motives, whether political, sectarian or just plain stupid. Regardless, all of these forms have left their mark. Since it’s inception a few years ago, what the artists aligned with the Hit The North show and event have exemplified, is the great deal of good street art can do for the city. They are not only leaving their mark but enhancing the atmosphere and visual language of what was once considered a run down area.

Artists took their brushes, pens and paint cans to canvas and paper as opposed to brick and mortar, yet maintained their intrinsic aesthetic quality. The show felt like a cleaned up version in many respects, but the outside in vibe is still apparent. The range of styles, mark making and expression these artists achieve is astonishing. The show made all the more pleasurable due to the non pretentious atmosphere that floated the room along.

Here's the playlist from the evening if anyone wants to check that out. (Provided you have Spotify)

Hit The North Sponsor

Hit The North Sponsor

The artists displaying work at the show were DMC, JMK, KVLR, FRIZ, MELS 2, ADW, Jess Tobin, Psychonautes, David Creative and LOFT associate, friend, and event originator, EMIC. Click on the artist’s monikers to magically transport your digital self to their web pages. Strongly recommend heading to the Black Box for a look-see at your next convenience and get ready for Hit The North on Culture Night come 18th September. Thanks for reading and check out a couple snapshots below from Clare Marie Bailie.